Introduction & Overview of the “gluten-free way of living” Companion Program by WWW.KITCHOUT.COM
PART 1 Celiac Disease, Gluten Intolerance & Allergies
Overview of the differences between Celiac Disease, Gluten Intolerance & Wheat Allergies
PART 2 Symptoms, Testing & Diagnosis
Symptoms, Genetic & Antibody Blood Testing, Diagnosis
PART 3 Making Healthy Gluten-Free Choices
Grocery Shopping, Gluten-Free Meal/Snack Ideas, Serving Suggestions & Tips for Healthy Eating
PART 4 Preparing Gluten-Free Foods Inside The Home
Food Preparation & Kitchen Clean Up, Recipes
PART 5 Eating Gluten-Free Outside The Home
Social Gatherings & School, Gluten-Free Eating Out, Gluten-Free Travel