I finally tried my new waffle iron out and I am not entirely impressed. The recipe for Buttermilk Belgian Waffles was good enough, but the iron seemed to brown the waffles unevenly. I fiddled with the temperature setting, but even on the highest setting they seemed gummy. This photo is of waffles having been cooked at least a minute past when the machine indicated they were ready. If you want to know what kind of iron it is, click here. I doubt I would purchase this one if I had to replace it, but it was a gift and I don’t eat waffles too terribly often so it will be fine. More consistency in the color and texture would be nice. I plan on freezing these and reheating them in the toaster later. That should brown them up nicely on a lazy morning.[button link=”http://kitchout.com/?page_id=810″]Recipe for Buttermilk Belgian Waffles Here[/button]